Monday, August 11, 2008

My Girls

My Girls

Above is a shot from a photo shoot of my Wife and Daughter in Spring Grove Park. My daughter was being very uncooperative, but hey that's why I love her.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Passion of the Game

Passion of the Game

This week's photo challenge with Ed's Photography was to take a photography representing the word passion.

Here we see a scene from our local minor league baseball team,
West Michigan Whitecaps. All of these guys are playing for the passion of the game. Each one passionately ready as the ball is hit in to the outfield! None of them are kicking the dirt, talking to their neighbor or wondering when they can get that Hot Dog and Beer. They are all focused with passion on winning this game!

Don't forget to check out
Ed's blog and see how he interpreted the assignment.